Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Poly Thread vs. Silk Thread

Thread is the most basic, and usually most overlooked element when sewing. Yet it is literally the one thing that holds your work together! There is some debate as to whether a polyester or a silk thread works best when constructing your garments. Polyester thread is above and beyond the best kind of thread to work with due to several characteristics that a man-made fiber can provide. It has more flexibility and stretch than silk which is best when sewing fashion, because as the body moves the thread needs to give and take with each movement. Polyester thread is also stronger. You will notably notice very little fraying or breaking. Silk thread is limited in color choice whereas the range of color availability in polyester is nearly endless. At Fabrique! we believe that the best polyester brand thread available is Mettler, and it is the only type of thread that we carry. Mettler runs easily and cleanly through your machine and will leave very little fiber residue for you to clean up later. Have any questions for us? Please post, and we'll do the best we can to answer!


  1. What kind of thread do you suggest for top stitching?

  2. We suggest using Mettler's polyester Cordonnet thread. It is low sheen and you can use your size 16 needle. However, do not use this thread in your bobbin. Your other option is to double your regular thread.
