Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Marking Grainlines

One of the most difficult fabrics to work with is chiffon. Now make it a burn out chiffon. That combo just might be the worst nightmare of the average seamstress. It's so easy to lose the cross-grainline which absolutely must lay straight in order to cut your pieces perfectly. You can mark your grainline using a thread from the fabric. Here's how:

To pull (remove) threads for marking the grainlines, clip through the selvage, if any, with scissors. Then start about 1" from the edge by loosening and pulling a thread free with a needle. You might need a magnifier to identify one single thread. Hold the inch-long end in one hand and slightly gather the fabric along a few inches at a time, never pulling hard enough to break the thread as you work toward the opposite edge. Gather the fabric just enough to loosen the thread so that you can visually see the line created through the width of the fabric. Use that line created by the pulled thread as your basis to straighten your fabric. Do this on either side of your pattern pieces to ensure that both ends are straight. Once you have your fabric perfectly arranged be sure to use weights to ensure that it doesn't move. You don't want to "un-do" all of your hard work!!

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