Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Staystitch vs. Stay Tape

The most commonly known method for prevention of stretching and distortion of cut pieces is to staystitch. Most seamstresses are unaware of the use of stay tape.

Staystitch is a useful aid during the construction process. You stitch a line on a single layer of fabric just inside the seamline in the seam allowance. This is different from a basting stitch, because basting is a longer looser stitch that holds two pieces together before your final stitching. Staystitching involving one piece of a fabric with tighter, smaller stitches. It will hold the grain line where you need it and prevent stretching. However, staystitch does not prevent stretching during daily, normal wear and tear. Stay tape will lengthen the life of your garment, because it ensures that your garment will not stretch during daily wear.

There are two kinds of stay tape: straight and bias. You will need the straight tape when you don't need any kind of movement in the garment such as collar, waist, etc. The bias tape is best for places on your garment that need some movement such as armholes.

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